Dr. Marc Dusseiller is a transdisciplinary scholar, lecturer for micro- and nanotechnology, cultural facilitator and artist. He performs DIY workshops in lo-fi electronics and synths, hardware hacking for citizen science and DIY microscopy. He co-organized Dock18, Room for Mediacultures, diy festival (Zürich, Switzerland), KIBLIX 2011 (Maribor, Slovenia), workshops for artists, schools and children as the former president (2008-12) of the Swiss Mechatronic Art Society, SGMK. He has worked as a guest faculty and mentor at various schools, Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology (IN), UCSB (USA) and in Switzerland, FHNW, HEAD, ETHZ. In collaboration with Kapelica Gallery, he started the BioTehna Lab in Ljubljana (2012-13), an open platform for interdisciplinary and artistic research on life sciences. Currently, he is developing means to perform bio- and nanotechnology research and dissemination, Hackteria / Open Source Biological Art, in DIY/DIWO fashion in kitchens, ateliers and in the Majority World. He was the co-organizer of several editions of HackteriaLab 2010-2014 in Zürich, Romainmotier, Bangalore and Yogyakarta, and helped organize the Gathering for Open Science Hardware, GOSH! 2016, and BioFabbing Convergence, 2017, in Geneva.